A New Start!

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 11:52 AM
Well, in honor of getting ready for 2009, David gave a great talk about a fresh start. God gives us the opportunity to start something new and what better time than the beginning of 2009 and as we're moving into a BRAND NEW room!

Often times, junior highers will use the excuse, "I'm too young to do anything big for God." But that is totally NOT true! Check out the verse of the week...

"And don't let anyone put you down because you're young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity." - 1 Timothy 4:12 (MSG)

How awesome is that!? God doesn't want to wait until we're a certain age to use us for his AMAZING purposes.

Here are some questions to talk over with your family, friends or whoever this week:
1. How can you be an example of 1 Timothy 4:12 (life, demeanor, love, faith, integrity)?
2. What do you enjoy about this youth group? What would you like to see this group do and become?


Open Mic - Part 3

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 4:13 PM

We wrapped up our series called, "Open Mic", on Sunday. Thanks to Trevor for giving a great talk about how God uses our pain for good. Look at his FANTASTIC hair!

Here are the discussion questions from Sunday...
1. Describe a time when you learned a lesson through pain? Did it stick with you?
2. Think of a time when you were in pain? Who did you talk to? Did your relationship with that person grow because of what you shared?

Only 8 days until Christmas! Enjoy the snow and we'll see you on Sunday for UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER SUNDAY!


Open Mic - Part 2

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 1:58 PM
We continued our series called, "Open Mic", on Sunday. Bob Lee, from Overlake Church, joined us to teach yesterday. His message was called "Sissianity". Often times, we subscribe to this version of Christianity that is weak and powerless. But as you look at who Jesus is and what he promises, you'll find that he is anything but weak and powerless. Jesus is strong enough to take our biggest worries and deepest hurts and use them for good.

Thanks to Bob for a GREAT message!

Join us this Friday night at 7pm at Overlake Church for the World Vision AIDS Experience. For more info, go to www.occ.org. We look forward to seeing you there!


Open Mic - Part 1

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 12:14 PM

We kicked off our series called, "Open Mic". Each speaker is going to share about how God is interacting with them right here...right now. Lindsay shared about her Africa trip yesterday and how a team can work together to change lives. God created us to rub shoulders with others and work as a team...or as scripture says, a "body of Christ".

We had some good discussion questions...
1. What are you good at? How can you use that for someone else's benefit?
2. Describe a time when someone made you more important than themself? How can you do that for someone else this week?

Have a great week and join us for the paint party on Saturday at 8am because we'll be getting our new junior high room ready!

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