Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 3:27 PM


 Name:  Kasey Goodall
 Grade:  7th
 School:  Evergreen Junior High
 Favorite Song: “Rockstar” by Nickelback
 2 Things I’m Most Excited About: Summer & my b-day.
 2 Favorite Hobbies:  Friends & basketball.
 Random fact:  Snow is cold.
 Favorite Thing about Eastlake Junior High:  Cool leaders!




Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 2:04 PM


Have you registered for camp yet?

Details are here.


Grade Move-Up Weekend!

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 3:10 PM


Grade move-up weekend is on June 14th!  That means 9th graders are heading to the HS group that meets on Sunday nights and we’re welcoming in 6th graders.

Hey 9th graders!  You guys go to HS camp this year and the details are here.


ThreeOne Pictures!

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 1:45 PM

Well, wasn’t the ThreeOne amazing?  HECK YES!  Check out some of the fabulous pictures from our crazy event on Friday night…

1              34             2


Thanks for being there, everyone!  It was our BIGGEST event at Eastlake Junior High!


Student Feature – Maggie Butler!

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 11:04 AM

Name:  Maggie Butler

Grade:  8th

School:  Kirkland Junior High

Favorite song right now:  “Rock and Roll” by Eric Hutchinson

What are you most excited about right now?

Going to Hawaii for Spring Break and Summer!

What are your 2 favorite hobbies?

Volleyball and golf

Random fact?

I play the violin.

Favorite thing about Eastlake Junior High?



Student Feature…Danny Horst!

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 11:07 PM

Name:  Danny Horst

School:  Northshore Junior High

Grade:  8th

Favorite Song Right Now?  I don’t have an iPod.

2 things you’re most excited about?  Vacation and my birthday.

2 favorite hobbies?  Getting hurt and eating.

Random fact?  I invented a dance called the “PeePee Dance”.

Favorite thing about Eastlake Junior High?  My awesome friends and stuff.



If you see Danny on Sunday, go say hi!  But even though one of his favorite hobbies is getting hurt, don’t hurt him!  And he’s not allowed to do the “PeePee Dance” at church!


Student Feature…Shelby Bergren!

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 2:01 PM

Name:  Shelby Bergren
School:  Kirkland Junior High
Grade:  8th
What’s your favorite song right now?
”Starstruck” by Lady Gaga
What are the 2 things you’re most excited about?
Soccer and summer
What are your 2 favorite hobbies?
Soccer and volleyball
Random fact about Shelby is?
Her lip is swollen
What is your favorite thing about ECC Junior High?  The people!



Bling Bling!

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 1:12 PM
Talking about money at church can be an awkward thing. People tend to think the church's goal is to guilt trip everyone into giving more money. But that's not true!

The reality is that the Bible talks more about money and possessions than it does about heaven, hell AND prayer combined! So, if Jesus talks about it that much, then we should too. Money is more of a heart issue than anything else. Jesus teaches that your heart will be battled for by two primary things - God and Money. Can you believe Jesus compares money with God!? It MUST be a powerful thing!

Check out this verse from Matthew 6:24, "You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both."

God is more after your heart than He is your money because He knows that where your money goes; your heart follows. God calls us to be very generous people...with our time, stuff and money.


Do you care about what God cares about? Do you care about being a generous person? There's no doubt that being generous is the best way to live our lives.

Growth groups are coming up here in a few weeks so get it on your calendars! More info is on our Facebook page here.

And baptisms are happening next Sunday night at the 6:30pm night service! Register online here!


Simplify Your Life - Part 2

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 8:55 AM
What a fun weekend we had together!

The Valentine's Dinner Night was a hit and we all looked SOOOOOOO good! Guys, thanks for making it happen with your mad cooking and serving skills. And ladies, thanks for putting up with us crazy fellas. :)

On Sunday, we wrapped our series called "Simplify Your Life". We've been talking about busyness and how God wants to speak to us amidst our crazy and filled up lives.

Here are some questions for the week...
1. Have you ever thought about the fact that you’re an eternal being? Does knowing that you are change the way you want to live?
2. Is it confusing to think about “talking” to God? What has your experience been like with talking to him? What questions do you have about this?
3. What do you need most right now: Direction, Protection, Healing or To Be Thankful? Why?


Simplify Your Life - Part 1

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 1:27 PM
We kicked off our series called, "Simplify Your Life" on Sunday! We're talking about how we get so busy, say "yes" to so much and find ourselves spending time mediocre things, rather than great things. This series will help you simplify your life and spend time on what matters most.

Lives for students are so much busier than ever before! You've got plays, practices, sports, homework, extracurricular activities, friends and we can't forget...God! That's why Jesus says, “Are you tired? Worn out? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-29, MSG)

Take some time this week to think about...

  1. What symptom of busyness do you relate to the most – Constant Clutter, Addicted to Speed, Multi-tasking, Relationship Fatigue, Spiritual Emptiness? What causes that in your life?
  2. Do you agree with the reason we say “yes” to so much…the fact that we want to be loved? Why or why not?
  3. Do you believe that God is crazy about you? Have you experienced His crazy love? If yes, when and what was that like? If no, are you open to His love for you?
  4. What can you do this week to slow down and recognize God’s love for you and His values?

(Doesn't our band rock!?)


Growing a Movement - Part 3

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 1:14 PM

We wrapped up our series called, "Growing a Movement", on Sunday. We talked about what it means to take risks for God. The story of Noah building the ark is the perfect example of taking a HUGE risk! Noah built a giant ark to house his family and two of each animal because God wanted to re-start the story of humans. God flooded the earth, but saved a couple peeps and animals to give humans a fresh start. Isn't that crazy!?

What risk are you taking this week?
1. Fasting and praying
2. Inviting a friend to church in the month of February
3. Joining a leadership team
4. Committing to a growth group
5. Being at church next Sunday

Join us on February 14th as we kick-off our growth groups...Valentines Day style! Dress up nice ladies because us guys are gonna serve you some dinner and make you feel special!


Winter Retreat in Leavenworth!

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 11:23 AM
What a weekend!? We took 50 students to the winter retreat in Leavenworth for some awesome games, snowboarding, messages that make sense, karaoke and sleeping on the concrete. It doesn't get better than that!

God did some awesome stuff at the retreat and it's only going to get better from here. We'd love to hear your stories of how God worked in your life at the retreat, so e-mail those to: garyhale@eastlakecc.com

Check out our fabulous group in Leavenworth!

See you this coming Sunday as we wrap up our series, "Growing a Movement".


Growing a Movement - Part 2

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 3:13 PM
We continued our series called, "Growing a Movement", on Sunday. We talked about how we can all be involved in building Jesus' church...specifically, here at Eastlake. And it looks like we had a pretty interesting game...

Here are the discussion questions for the week:
1. Why do you think God wanted the people of Israel to be involved in building the Tabernacle? What are three things we can all do to be involved in building his church here?
2. What do you think are two special talents God has given you? How could you apply them in this group?

CAMP IS THIS COMING FRIDAY! SEE YOU AT OVERLAKE CHURCH @ 4pm for the beginning of a fabulous weekend in Leavenworth!


Growing a Movement - Part 1

Posted by Eastlake Junior High on 10:44 AM
Can you believe we had our FIRST Sunday ever in the new room yesterday!? WOW! It was phenomenal. The band rocked, everyone had a blast and the game was...gross. Check it out below...

We started our series called, "Growing a Movement". The point of the talk was asking questions like...

"What if a youth group could change the world?"
"What if a youth group actually followed Jesus?"

God wants to do amazing things through his church...YOU AND ME! And it all begins with following Jesus. You've got to get to know Jesus and then follow him as your leader in life. We had a few small group questions as well...

1. Who or what are your top 3 priorities? Do you like the order?
2. Can you think of a way that you're living life as if it is yours, not God's? What is something you know God wants you to do, but you haven't done it yet?

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