Bling Bling!
Posted by Eastlake Junior High
1:12 PM
Talking about money at church can be an awkward thing. People tend to think the church's goal is to guilt trip everyone into giving more money. But that's not true!
The reality is that the Bible talks more about money and possessions than it does about heaven, hell AND prayer combined! So, if Jesus talks about it that much, then we should too. Money is more of a heart issue than anything else. Jesus teaches that your heart will be battled for by two primary things - God and Money. Can you believe Jesus compares money with God!? It MUST be a powerful thing!
Check out this verse from Matthew 6:24, "You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both."
God is more after your heart than He is your money because He knows that where your money goes; your heart follows. God calls us to be very generous people...with our time, stuff and money.
Do you care about what God cares about? Do you care about being a generous person? There's no doubt that being generous is the best way to live our lives.
Growth groups are coming up here in a few weeks so get it on your calendars! More info is on our Facebook page here.
And baptisms are happening next Sunday night at the 6:30pm night service! Register online here!
The reality is that the Bible talks more about money and possessions than it does about heaven, hell AND prayer combined! So, if Jesus talks about it that much, then we should too. Money is more of a heart issue than anything else. Jesus teaches that your heart will be battled for by two primary things - God and Money. Can you believe Jesus compares money with God!? It MUST be a powerful thing!
Check out this verse from Matthew 6:24, "You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both."
God is more after your heart than He is your money because He knows that where your money goes; your heart follows. God calls us to be very generous people...with our time, stuff and money.
Do you care about what God cares about? Do you care about being a generous person? There's no doubt that being generous is the best way to live our lives.
Growth groups are coming up here in a few weeks so get it on your calendars! More info is on our Facebook page here.
And baptisms are happening next Sunday night at the 6:30pm night service! Register online here!